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please give to support ministry in Boronia

We are so grateful for all the generous freewill offerings which

provide much needed support towards mission and ministry in Boronia.

You can give via direct transfer (preferred), over the phone during office hours,

through envelopes (arrange with the office) or via the Donate link below.


Thank you for your generosity!


Give now

Direct transfer

While we practice responsible social distancing a simple way to support ministry is via online giving.


St Paul's Anglican Church
Boronia and The Basin
Bendigo Bank
BSB: 633-000
Account: 163 246 093

In person
Via phone

Freewill offerings are received in person by arrangement or by credit card over the phone (03) 9761 1797 (responsible social distancing)

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Saint Paul's Anglican Church, Boronia 

Loving God, Loving People, Sharing Hope

(03) 9761 1797

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